Godet Millésime Grande Champagne 1912 Cognac


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Anbaugebiet (Cru) & Boden: Grande Champagne

Grande Champagne

Grande Champagne


Godet Millésime Grande Champagne 1912 Cognac

Godet Millésime Grande Champagne 1912 Cognac is a vintage Cognac and emblem of the Godet family’s history and tells the story of their adventures, their stills and where they come from in beautiful France. With every sip of this vintage, tasters uncover a piece of history and the brand’s heritage.

The Godet vintage range features unique Cognacs made exclusively from a single harvest and vineyard. These offerings, therefore, capture the weather conditions of that same year and the unfolding of history. Put into the best French oak barrels and patiently aged deep down in the Godet cellars. Upon curating this vintage single blend, the master blender does not compose the Cognac as such; he let nature express itself fully - being cautious to safeguard the eau-de-vie and nurture it until full maturity. Each vintage Cognac is then bottled by hand and on-demand in limited quantities upon reaching maximum tasting potential.

A vintage Cognac like this one was produced with connoisseurs in mind, and it certainly will not disappoint even the most knowledgeable and experienced Cognac drinkers.

Presentation of the decanter

Decanted in an elegant and straightforward bottle design, Godet Millésime Grande Champagne 1912 Cognac proves that, whilst presentation is essential - it’s what’s on the inside that counts the most. Nevertheless, this bottle will stand tall on the brandy shelf with its slim neck and smooth curves. Arriving in a sumptuous oak presentation box is a luxurious gift for someone who lavishes the finer things in life.

How to enjoy

Having found its alcohol content naturally over time, this vintage Cognac contains unparalleled elegance and infinite depth that should be enjoyed one sip at a time. Drink neat from a tulip glass, as the narrow top of this type of glass will delicately distribute the arrival of aromas during the tasting.

Find out more about Vintage Cognac

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Über Godet Cognac

Mit einem Erbe, das bis ins Jahr 1588 zurückreicht, ist Godet eine renommierte Cognac-Marke, die in Tradition und Familienwerten verwurzelt ist. Mit Sitz in La Rochelle, Frankreich, stellt Godet seit über fünf Jahrhunderten und fünfzehn Generationen außergewöhnliche Cognacs her. Ihr Engagement für Qualität und Handwerkskunst ist in jeder Flasche sichtbar, da sie seltenes handwerkliches Know-how mit den feinsten Trauben aus den vom Atlantik beeinflussten Weinbergen kombinieren. Von der samtigen Textur bis hin zu den exquisiten Aromen verkörpert Godet Cognacs die Essenz zeitloser Eleganz und lädt Sie ein, mit jedem Schluck ein Stück Geschichte zu genießen.

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