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- Pudelite suurus
- 700ml
- 40%
- Bränd
- Ordonneau Cognac
Parim hind garanteeritud: leiate selle odavamalt, me sobitame hinna
Meie hinnagarantii. Kui leiate veebipõhise jaemüüja, kes tarnib ja müüb seda toodet odavama kogumaksumusega, vastame meie hinnale.
Kasvuala ja pinnas: Borderies
Ordonneau Domaine de la Grolette Vieille Reserve konjaki Ordonneau Domaine de la Grolette Vieille Reserve Cognac
Selle väikese käsitööndusliku konjakitootja vanim sortiment on Ordonneau Vieille Réserve Cognac. Ordonneau on tõeline Borderies'i aare, mille kõik kanged alkohoolsed joogiveed pärinevad piirkonna väikseimatest cru'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de'de. Suur osa selle segu eaux-de-vie'd on laagerdunud 25-30 aastat, mis teeb sellest Hors d'Age'i kvaliteediga segu. See on väga hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega küps konjak, mis on uskumatult mitmekülgne.
Ordonneau Vieille Reserve'i toodab selle käsitöömaja veinitootjate kolmas põlvkond. Nende valduses on 27 hektarit viinamarjaistandust ja igal aastal toodetakse umbes 3000 hektoliitrit veini. Seejärel destilleeritakse vein novembrist märtsini kahes Charentais' alembilises destilleerimisseadmes.
Borderies' terroir on tuntud väga spetsiifiliste ja haruldaste aroomidega veinide tootmise poolest. Maapinna kõrge savisisaldus annab täidlase konjaki, millel on violetse ja kuivatatud puuvilja tunnused. Need on tõepoolest väga nõutud. Sügava kuldse värvusega, nagu võib eeldada vananenud segu puhul, on see pudel, mida iga konjakisõber hea meelega oma kapis hoiab.
Pudeli esitlusviis
Ordonneau Vieille Reserve on esitatud traditsioonilises konjakipudelis, millel on lihtne ja klassikaline etikett.
Arvustused (19)
A Unique Borderies Expression
Nose and mouth consistent with apricots, dried fruits, nuts, flowers, and a hint of old Irish pot still whisky. I get pronounced violets, similar to violet candies when I smell it straight from the bottle, but from the glass, I get а flower bouquet I cannot distinguish. Dry and spicy finish on the...
Very varied and definitely worth the money
I am pleasantly surprised by the variety of flavours that this cognac offers. Not necessarily spices, but baking flavours that are difficult to identify in any case. An effort that I am happy to make. Highly recommended, go for it!
Borderies Brilliance
I am impressed by this stuff every time I drink it. It’s just so clean and direct in its delivery that if you like the flavours it will never disappoint. It’s not hugely complex for a spirit of this age, but the tropical fruit in the flower shop nose is great and way the liquid melts intense fruit...
Overrated but prove me wrong
I really did not want to review this or bring the rating down.But I felt compelled to give my personal experience with this Cognac. In all honestly, this was a 3/10 me. Forgive me but maybe it just personal preferences and I am no connoisseur. The nose is harsh, 2 dimensional and forgettable. It...
Pleasing sipper
On the nose: Fruity biscuit with violets, perfume of sumptuous grapes. Palate: Creamy on the palate, toffee caramel, rock sugar apricot, light pleasantly refreshing sourness, some hints of fruits like ripe greengage, a little bit charred vanilla coming up in between, hints of gooseberries, a glimpse...
Cost-effective cognac
Had to wait a little after pouring to enjoy the aromas. Good aromas of violets, dried fruits, apricots, oak and sawdust. Taste very mild. Less spicy. Very little acidity or bitterness, mainly juicy grape sweetness. The mouthfeel is very smooth, with no unpleasant or cloying tastes. Short, sweet...
What a Value
This cognac has lovely hues of a blend of orange and mahogany. The nose has a floral aroma of white flowers, with a bit of leather and cherry. The mouth feel is good and the finish is extremely smooth. This cognac is a very easy drink, no bumps or bruises, just a very easily consumed tipple.
Kohta Ordonneau Cognac
Ordonneau Cognac'i maja koosneb mõisast ja viinamarjaistandustest, mis asuvad täielikult piirkonna Borderies'i terroiril, Cherves Richemont'i külas. See väike peretootja asub tüüpilises Charantais'i mõisas, mida tuntakse nime all Domaine de la Grolette, mille viinamarjaistandused hõlmavad 27 hektarit. Nad korjavad igal aastal umbes 3000 hektoliitrit veini ning kõik tootmisprotsessi aspektid toimuvad perekonna mõisas ja selle ümbruses.
Loe lähemalt Ordonneau Cognac