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Gourry de Chadeville Cognac

Gourry de Chadeville Cognac

Claiming to be the oldest Cognac house in the region, which has been holding the same family name for centuries, the estate of Gourry de Chadeville sits in prime Fine Champagne countryside. This family run Cognac house has a history that can be traced back to the early 17th century, and Cognac has been produced as an artisan product since this date.

Visit Gourry de Chadeville: BP 6 ,16130 Segonzac ,+33 (0)545833489 ,No visiting information available Other products by Gourry de Chadeville: Pineau des Charentes


History of Gourry de Chadeville Cognac

The family of Gourry de Chadeville have owned their Segonzac estate and vineyards since 1619. This, they believe, makes Gourry de Chadeville the oldest known Cognac producer. With the method of production little changed from this time, both the estate and the wine making knowledge has been passed down over four centuries, from father to son, mother to daughter to the present day.

Cognac Gourry de Chadeville Today

Although the house of Gourry de Chadeville Cognac remains faithful to the tradition of Cognac making of old, today they have embraced the most modern of methods in which to market their cognac. Taking full advantage of the Internet and direct sales, the name of Gourry de Chadeville is known in all corners of the world.

News, Products and Prices

Although only a small house, Gourry de Chadeville offer a range of Pineaux-des-Charentes and Cognacs from a VS through to an XO and older. Prices offer excellent value for money, and start from €22 euros for a bottle of Gourry de Chadeville VS Cognac, to €78 euros for the Gourry de Chadeville XO. The Domaine de Chadeville also produces a Pineau des Charentes.

Visit Gourry de Chadeville Cognac

There is no information available about visiting Gourry de Chadeville Cognac.

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