Paul Giraud

Paul Giraud

The location of Cognac Giraud is in the prime "1er Cru" cognac growing area of the Grande Champagne, which allows Giraud to produce an exquisite cognac range, from a 6-year old to a 50-year old cognac. The estate is based in Bouteville, and with some additional vineyards in St. Même-les-Carrières, the growing area comes to 35 hectares. The cognac house combines a strong belief in traditional methods with a modern take on cognac production, avoiding any kinds of chemicals or pesticides in their agriculture and coloring additives in the final blends. The work on the plants as well as the actual harvest of the grapes is still done manually, assuring the best possible treatment of the grapes in order to generate the highest quality for the eau-de-vie. Also, Giraud only produces pure vintage cognacs, which means that they never blend eaux-de-vie from different years, but trust in the fine differences between the annual vintages.

Посетить Paul Giraud: Le Bourg ,16120 Bouteville ,+33 (0)5 45 97 03 93 ,Contact Giraud directly to arrange visits and tastings.


Активные фильтры

  • ABV: 40%
1-3 oт 3 товара(ов)

History of Paul Giraud

The cognac house Paul Giraud has been handed down from father to son since 1650, a rare thing to achieve, especially in these days, where businesses are forced into mergers and big international distribution networks. Paul Jean Giraud has now been running the cognac house for some decades now, holding on to this great value. Giraud is renowned for its perfectionist approach to cognac making and for its elegant products.

Part of the secret is that the cellar where the barrels are stored, lies at the foot of a small hill and has a small creek that passes right through it. This makes for a very humid climate inside the cellar, allowing some necessary alcohol to evaporate without reducing the volume of the distillate. This results in a light and flowery note in Paul Giraud's cognac.

Paul Giraud Today

Beyond his cognac products, Paul Jean Giraud is also known as a strong voice in the Cognac field. He presides over the "Caves Particulieres", an association of 80 cognac growers and producers in Charente and Charente-Maritime. His role is to protect the interests of small producers against the big distributers, who buy their production at dumping prices and keep them from producing their own brands.

Paul Jean Giraud himself sees this as a tragedy in today's cognac business and is very much supported in this by a large group of colleagues and supporters. Cognac Giraud manages to stay small and still produce 20000 to 25000 bottles for distribution every year, all the while respecting tradition and ecological production. They currently export to 18 countries worldwide, USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia and Canada amongst others.

News, Products & Anecdotes and Labels

In March 2011, Paul Giraud Cognac teamed up with the number one Belgian chocolatier Godiva for a tasting session of both marvels in Shanghai, China. This shows how international even smaller cognac producers can be today.

Visit Paul Giraud

For visits to the estate in Bouteville, Charente, call Giraud directly. One can even arrange a tasting.

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