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Koniak Prulho VS Impertinence 01

Koniak Prulho VS Impertinence

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Prulho Cognac

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Oko: Złocista żółć zachodzącego słońca.

Nos: Zapach drewna, zrównoważony zalewem owoców z sadu: świeżych winogron, gruszek i czerwonych jabłek.

Smak: Dobrze zbalansowany, z bogatymi nutami owocowymi rozwijającymi się teraz w smak słodkiego dżemu brzoskwiniowego.


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Obszar wzrostu i gleba: Blend

Bois Ordinaires
Bons Bois
Fins Bois
Petite Champagne
Grande Champagne


Life of the Party: Prulho Impertinence VS Cognac

This distinct blend of eaux-de-vie expresses a remarkable fresh, young and powerful character. Produced from grapes harvested all over the Cognac region, the Prulho Impertinence VS Cognac combines the elegance of the Champagne regions with a rustic, fruity edge from the Borderies and Fins Bois. 

Second-generation owner, Robert Prulho, and his son Richard have dedicated their lives to pursuing their passion for excellent Cognac. Their hard work has certainly paid off, walking away with numerous awards, including gold medals from the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles and the Citadelles du Vins. Without a doubt, they benefit from their in-depth knowledge of distilling equipment - they come from a family of stillmakers whose copper stills are used by Cognac producers all over the region. 

With the knowledge that has accumulated over generations about the importance of perfect distillation, the ripening process and flawless blending, the Prulho family are sure to continue going from strength to strength 

Presentation of the Bottle

Tall and elegant, this is a bottle that immediately stands out among the rest. Its slim profile is given balance by a flared base, while the fuschia-and-gold label perfectly matches the gold foil on the neck. 

How to Enjoy Prulho Impertinence VS Cognac

This exuberant VS Cognac is ideal to drink on the rocks, or used in cocktails and aperitifs. For a long drink, try mixing it with tonic or with a splash of soda.

Find out more about VS Cognac.

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O Prulho Cognac

Przez ostatnie 50 lat nazwa Prulho była kojarzona z najlepszym sprzętem destylacyjnym w branży. Ich doświadczenie w dostarczaniu maszyn i wiedzy na temat kompletnego procesu destylacji obejmuje nie tylko destylarnie w regionach Cognac, Armagnac i Calvados we Francji, ale także w krajach na całym świecie. Należą do nich USA, Chiny, Boliwia, Włochy, Japonia i RPA. To bardzo specjalistyczne know-how i doświadczenie w procedurach destylacji jest wykorzystywane w Cognac Prulho - i pełnej gamie koniaków pod szyldem firmy.

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