- 生产地区
Grande Champagne
Learn more about the different Cognac growth areas
- 瓶装容量
- 700ml
- 酒精度数
- 47%
- 类别
- Limited editions
- 品牌
- Mauxion Selection Cognac
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Growth area & soil: Grande Champagne
Grande Champagne
Mauxion "追求完美 "限量版干邑
秉承以无与伦比的优雅和精致来庆祝里程碑的伟大传统,Mauxion Selection 干邑隆重推出一款与 "追求完美"(Strive for Perfection)直接合作精心制作的限量版干邑:庆祝古德伍德 20 周年",劳斯莱斯爱好者俱乐部的出版物。选择这款精致的产品是为了纪念古德伍德劳斯莱斯生产厂 20 周年纪念--这座生产厂是世界闻名的卓越汽车和定制豪华汽车的灯塔。
此次选用的干邑是 20 年特级香槟,是对劳斯莱斯传奇历史和古德伍德生产厂周年纪念的致敬。这款干邑的每一个气味和味道都体现了劳斯莱斯对细节的一丝不苟和对完美的追求。干邑本身装在一个古色古香的气泡瓶中,其独特性由银蜡密封,并饰有银色锡标,散发出奢华和独特的气息。
Thibault Mauxion 在谈及此次合作时表示:"Mauxion Selection 很荣幸被选中参加古德伍德工厂 20 周年庆典,这里是生产劳斯莱斯名车的地方。我们从劳斯莱斯的技术诀窍中看到了自己,这不仅体现在奢华上,也体现在我们对奉献最好的自己的渴望上"。
- 来自大香槟区和小香槟区交界处的一个小村庄
- 非常潮湿的地窖,土炕
- 桶中酒精浓度为 47
- 天然色泽,无添加剂
- 丰富的桃花心木色泽,浓郁的雪茄盒、烤烟草和蜜饯橙皮的香气,强劲的酒体与多层次的口感相得益彰,极具深度,余味苦甜无尽
要充分品尝 Mauxion Selection Strive for Perfection Grande Champagne 干邑的深度和复杂性,建议纯饮或加一点水。这种方法可以让爱好者充分领略其复杂的风味和香气,就像驾驶劳斯莱斯一样,享受无与伦比的体验。
About Mauxion Selection Cognac
The origin of the Mauxion family dates back to 1575 when Pierre Mauxion was born in the village of Houlette. Today the estate is still home to the Mauxion family after thirteen generations. Antoine Mauxion was the first of the family to produce eaux-de-vie, back in 1743, and since then ten generations have followed in his footsteps. Today the house of Mauxion Selection continues to embrace original traditions with regards to caring for the vineyard and producing high class, quality eaux-de-vie.
Uniquely, Mauxion Selection offers a range of single cru expressions, available a range of sizes. All of the Cognac produced by Mauxion Selection originate from the prestigious terroirs of Grande Champagne, Petite Champagne, Borderies and Fins Bois. To preserve the flavor of their eaux-de-vie, Mauxion Selection Cognac is bottled at cask strength without any blending or reduction; allowing the eaux-de-vie to develop with exceptional complexity and depth. Whilst the attentive selection process may mean that quantity is limited, it ensures a Cognac of unrivalled quality, every time.
Visit Mauxion Sélection Cognac: The House of Mauxion Selection would be delighted to welcome you in a discovery of their vineyards and in tasting their products. Be sure to contact them directly to arrange a time in advance of your arrival.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +33 5 45 80 87 66
Website: mauxion