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Martell Cordon Bleu XO

Recommended 81 /100
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Grande Champagne

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马爹利 干邑白兰地
US$ 654 缺货
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The Cordon Bleus taste is dominated by the eaux-de-vie from the Borderies region. On the nose: Floral and elegant. On the palate: A round and smooth cognac, rather masculine, with some hints of fruit and wood. The finish is long and satisfying.

Growth area & soil: Grande Champagne

Grande Champagne

Grande Champagne


Martell Cordon Bleu Cognac truly is a piece of history.  Created back in 1912 by Edouard Martell, the recipe is now well over a century old - and it's one that's truly stood the test of time.  An XO quality, Cordon Bleu is now something of legend in the world of Cognac.

It has a distinctive taste that's characterised by a predominance of eaux-de-vie from the Borderies terror.  And of course, the bottle is instantly recognizable.  A Cognac of this standard is perfectly presented in such a simplistic bottle - after all, when a drink is of this quality, it's only right that the flavor is allowed to speak for itself.

Cellar Master of Martell, Christophe Valtaud, says of Cordon Bleu: "Here we have a unique Cognac in the XO category.  Martell Cordon Bleau is endowed with beautiful complexity and rich aromas, making it a legendary Cognac.  Its high proportion of Borderies marks this blend, expanding on its caramelized character with the smoothness of sweet spices, gingerbread, and roasted cocoa beans".

About 马爹利 干邑白兰地

马爹利是优质干邑家族中最古老的一员。相比同样以历史悠久著称的人头马,马爹利干邑品牌的创立时间更早,至今已有300多年的历史。1715年,秉承精益求精的目标,英国人尚•马爹利离开故乡泽西岛来到法国,开始了他干邑生命之水的事业。旗下拥有极富传奇色彩的马爹利蓝带干邑(Martell Cordon Bleu),尚·马爹利至尊干邑(Martell Extra L’Or de Jean Martell),以及2007年以来推出的马爹利凯旋珍享干邑(Création Grand Extra),马爹利以强势姿态立足于奢侈品市场。马爹利现由保乐力加集团(Pernod Ricard)所持有,年销售量达1千5百万升。这些最珍贵的生命之水,被贮藏在尚·马爹利的秘密酒窖,总量多达1千6百万个9公升箱!

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