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Koniak Prulho XO Borderies N°8 01

Koniak Prulho XO Borderies N°8

Gorąco polecany 86 /100
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Prulho Cognac

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268 USD
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Oko: Głęboka złota miedź, mahoniowe refleksy.

Nos: Bogata koncentracja aromatów kwiatów fiołka, prażonych orzechów, słodkich jabłek i śliwek.

Smak: Kandyzowane owoce, skórka pomarańczowa, dojrzałe śliwki, nuty kawy i ciemnej czekolady. Ten potężny, gładki i dobrze zbudowany koniak zapewnia długi finisz.

Długość: co najmniej 15 minut

Obszar wzrostu i gleba: Borderies




Prulho XO Borderies N°8 Cognac

Prulho’s Cognac N°8 is a limited edition; award-winning Cognac exclusively made up of eaux-de-vie originating from the smallest production area of the Cognac region known as the Borderies. Titled as Cognac N°8 – the number 8 forms an endless circle suggesting long life and prosperity.

Second-generation owner Robert Prulho and his son Richard have dedicated their lives to pursuing their passion for excellent Cognac. Their hard work has undoubtedly paid off, walking away with numerous awards, including gold medals from the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles and the Citadelles du Vin. Without a doubt, they benefit from their in-depth knowledge of distilling equipment - they come from a family of still makers whose copper stills are used by Cognac producers all over the region.

With the knowledge accumulated over generations about the importance of perfect distillation, the ripening process and flawless blending, the Prulho family are sure to continue going from strength to strength.

Presentation of the bottle

The design is dressed in a highly elegant carafe; the design features a luxurious golden stopper and semi-circular shape with a flat base. Stamped on the front of the bottle is the symbolic number 8, which encompasses what this fine Cognac represents: long life and prosperity. This rich blend appeals to collectors and lovers of well-aged XO quality Cognacs on sale as a limited edition.

How to enjoy

The house of Prulho recommends drinking this Cognac jewel in its purest form – neat at room temperature. Pour into a tulip glass to allow the arrival or aromas to distribute evenly and with delicate precision. To take the tasting to another dimension, pair this XO with a rich and velvety chocolate dessert.

O Prulho Cognac

Przez ostatnie 50 lat nazwa Prulho była kojarzona z najlepszym sprzętem destylacyjnym w branży. Ich doświadczenie w dostarczaniu maszyn i wiedzy na temat kompletnego procesu destylacji obejmuje nie tylko destylarnie w regionach Cognac, Armagnac i Calvados we Francji, ale także w krajach na całym świecie. Należą do nich USA, Chiny, Boliwia, Włochy, Japonia i RPA. To bardzo specjalistyczne know-how i doświadczenie w procedurach destylacji jest wykorzystywane w Cognac Prulho - i pełnej gamie koniaków pod szyldem firmy.

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