Koniak Remi Landier VS 01

Koniak Remi Landier VS

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Obszar wzrostu
Fins Bois

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Remi Landier Cognac

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Oko: przypalona pomarańcza z nutami karmelu.

Nos: prawdziwie młodzieńczy aromat ze świeżym, żywym nosem.

Smak: Naprawdę wyjątkowy smak, który rozwija się z gładkim kwiatowym tonem.

Obszar wzrostu i gleba: Fins Bois

Fins Bois

Fins Bois


Remi Landier VS Cognac

For anyone that loves the unique taste of a Fins Bois cognac, the Remi Landier VS certainly won't disappoint. Aged in French oak barrels for three years, its youth offers a mellow, floral essence. Characterized by notes of pressed grapes, it's a smooth Cognac to savor. A versatile choice, it’s certainly a staple Cognac to have in your cabinet and one that you will be proud to share amongst friends.

Dating back to 1973, Remi Landier Cognac is a small, artisan house that produces a small range of delightful quality cognacs. Renowned for some ultra-special creations that are perfect for memorable occasions, Remi Landier has long been in the heart of Cognac experts. Showcasing the brilliance of both the Fins Bois region and the expertise of Remi Landier, this VS captures the essence of an excellent Cognac.

Presentation of the bottle

With a display as refreshing as the Cognac itself, this bottle is a representation of what lies beneath it. Effortless black and white draw on minimalist design to offer endearing simplicity. Boldly stamped with the Remi Landier branding, its brilliance is proudly presented with unwavering sophistication.

How to enjoy

As a VS, this Cognac boasts incredible versatility. Try it over ice, as a long drink with your favorite mixer, or as a base for a cocktail. It can also be enjoyed neat as either an aperitif or digestif.

Find out more about VS Cognac.

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O Remi Landier Cognac

Remi Landier Cognac to mały, rzemieślniczy dom produkujący niewielką gamę doskonałej jakości koniaków, w tym kilka wyjątkowych kreacji, które są idealne na specjalne okazje.

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