Marc H.
Avis écrits : 2
Note moyenne attribuée : 66
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A rather spicy Cognac with fruity nose
While the nose is light and fruity, the Cognac itself I would describe as masculine. A heavy Cognac with a slight punch and wooden taste. The Aftertaste is interesting and long. You can discover fruity apricot notes as well a bit of spices. Personally, I prefer less bold/heavy Cognacs. Howeve...
Impressing blend of younger Cognacs
I personally visited the house of "Chateau de Cognac" (owned by Bacardi), the producer behind Otard Cognacs. I knew their VSOP and XO and recently tasted the VS, which I believed was outstanding value for money. It's still a VS, but the fruity intense wellbanced taste is exceptional for such a pr...